please call:
(03) 9508 6000
or fax your referral to:
(03) 9508 6198
Unsettled Babies
Fussy Baby Clinic
Sleep deprivation and feelings of helplessness can be extremely distressing. Recent research also shows that severely unsettled babies are almost 10 times more likely to have ongoing mental health concerns later in childhood. This research also found that parents of unsettled babies were more than 5 times more likely to report significant psychological distress and have the highest representation in those with maternal and paternal post-natal depression. Unsettled babies and infantile colic are not ‘things you have to put up with’ when raising a newborn, and there are proven strategies that can help both baby and parent.
If you have an unsettled baby, Daniel will prioritise your appointment to minimize waiting times. Please contact his rooms on 9508 6000 to organize an urgent appointment, or fill in the online referral form.
Book an urgent appointment here and you will be contacted with an appointment time.