please call:
(03) 9508 6000
or fax your referral to:
(03) 9508 6198
Some mothers feel a period of emotional instability, or ‘baby blues’ which passes quickly. Should you feel persistently lowered mood, please notify Daniel, your maternal nurse, GP or obstetrician. Post-natal depression affects up to ¼ of mothers and is more common in the setting of feeding and settling difficulties. Paternal post-natal depression (fathers) is a very real entity and it is important to consider all members of each family.
Babies are weighed within a few hours of birth and again prior to leaving hospital. The newborn kidneys usually start to kick in around day 3 of life, resulting in established urine production and fluid shifts, that can cause a drop in weight. We are generally happy with a weight loss of no more than 10% of birthweight.
From 48 hours of age, all Australian babies have an NST performed via a small blood sample from baby’s heel. This is best done during a breastfeed and is a quick procedure.
For mothers breastfeeding, your supply will slowly shift from colostrum (early milk) to breastmilk, this may take several days to occur. Some mothers choose formula exclusively, others supplement low breastmilk supply with additional formula top-up feeds and some use donated breastmilk. There is no doubt that breastmilk is best for babies, but remember: feeding your baby is the most important thing, whether via breast or bottle (expressed/donated breastmilk or formula). Fed is best.